Thanks for the mention, Steve! Now... the idea has to work!

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You can improve visibility for this article. Tag your tickers. Hardly anyone uses the ticker search feature presently, but it's a chicken or the egg problem. To tag a ticker just put in a dollar sign followed by the ticker. Beware that the app won't show it, so list the actual ticker then do the tag.

"Amazon (AMZN) $AMZN is selling more crap."

On desktop and mobile web they will see both. The link created by the $AMZN doesn't work in the app. I've already reported this to substack.

Getting the ticker system in use is critical to Substack becoming a contender in the stock analysis space. This feature is so barely known that I only learned about it a couple weeks ago.

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That’s a big deal--so both the parenthesis and $ should be added?

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I do both because I also post to my subscribers on SA and doing one in parenthesis won't hurt. The big one for Substack is the $ one.

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